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Circle Tour | Faith Ringgold: American People

January 31, 20245:30 pm - 7:30 pm

A group of people gather around a large painting in a blue gallery filled with other artworks.

Opening day of Faith Ringgold: American People, MCA Chicago, Nov 18, 2023. Photo: Ricardo

About the Event

5:30 pm | Welcome Reception
6 pm | Curator-Led Tour

MCA Circle donors, enjoy an after-hours, curator-led tour and reception for Faith Ringgold: American People. This event includes a reception featuring light refreshments followed by an intimate tour with Manilow Senior Curator Jamillah James and Assistant Curator Jack Schneider, diving into the rich history of Ringgold’s 60-year career while also exploring the depth of the MCA’s collection. Long overdue, this retrospective provides a timely opportunity to experience the art of an American icon.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Circle@mcachicago.org.