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Teacher Institute Curriculum Share-out | 2023–24

April 13, 202410:00 am - 11:30 am

Admission to this event is free with registration. ASL is provided upon request.

About the Event

The 2023-24 Teacher Institute culminates in a public symposium presenting the cohort’s projects and related resources produced during the year, and celebrating and reflecting on their time together.

ASL is provided upon request.

ASL provided.

About Teacher Institute

Teacher Institute is the museum’s most immersive and collaborative professional development program for educators. The design of this free, year-long program is aimed at helping educators investigate, design, incubate, and implement an innovative, contemporary curriculum. The emphasis of the Teacher Institute is on supporting teachers in developing student-centered projects that give students an active role in the development, implementation, and documentation of socially engaged curricula.

For more information about the MCA Teacher Institute, please email abracey@mcachicago.org, or call 312-397-4020.


Generous support is provided by Discover.

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